If you’re like most online business owners, you’re likely juggling multiple roles – from being the entrepreneur and manager to the marketer and social media manager and everything in between. But what happens when you need a breather or wish to concentrate on other facets of your online business? This is where a Pinterest manager can be a valuable asset!

Why Should You Hire a Pinterest Manager?

1) You’re too busy to manage your own Pinterest account  


Balancing tasks such as content creation, graphic design, and overseeing your various social media profiles within an online business can leave you stretched thin. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day to effectively manage Pinterest on top of it all. This is where a Pinterest manager can step in and assist you in cultivating your business’s online presence while giving you the freedom to focus on other critical aspects of your operation.

It’s also important to acknowledge that devising a successful Pinterest marketing strategy can be quite challenging. It entails navigating through numerous intricate steps, and keeping pace with Pinterest’s ever-evolving algorithm which can be a full-time job itself. 

2)  You’re not getting the results you want from your Pinterest account


Pinterest can be an excellent tool for driving traffic to your website, but only if you’re using it correctly. If you’re not seeing the results you want from your Pinterest account, it may be time to hire an experienced Pinterest manager to help.

A Pinterest manager will help you create pins that appeal to your target audience, create a strategy that works, and focus on the results that matter. 

3) You don’t know how to use Pinterest effectively  


If you are not familiar with Pinterest or you are just not sure how to use it effectively, a Pinterest manager can help. They can show you how to set up your account, help you understand the platform, and teach you how to use it to reach your goals.

A Pinterest manager is an excellent asset to any business, big or small, that wants to use Pinterest as an effective organic marketing tool.

4) You need help with Analytics and Strategy

Analytics and strategy are two crucial aspects where a Pinterest manager can make a significant impact on your online presence. They bring a deep understanding of Pinterest’s analytics tools and algorithms. They can decipher the data to identify trends, track key performance metrics, and gain insights into your audience’s behavior.

With this knowledge, a Pinterest manager can refine your strategy, making data-driven decisions to optimize your Pinterest presence. Whether it’s pinpointing the most effective pin designs, recognizing peak posting times, or adjusting keyword strategies, they’ll ensure your efforts are aligned with your goals.

A Pinterest manager can craft a Pinterest strategy tailored to your niche, audience, and objectives. By continually adapting and fine-tuning your Pinterest strategy based on insights and trends, a Pinterest manager keeps your online presence relevant and effective.

Final Thoughts

When you decide to hire a Pinterest Manager (like me!), you’ll not only save yourself time, but you’ll feel confident knowing your Pinterest account is in good hands. There are many moving pieces with a successful Pinterest marketing strategy, and a Pinterest Manager knows how to juggle all of these pieces for your specific account. 

To learn more about my Pinterest services check out my services page for my rates and packages. I’d love to chat with you about how I can help you with your Pinterest account.